Peter Lyons

Jamming Out

January 21, 2020

Monday night we rallied to make another attempt at Frenchmen Street. We found a nice little trad-jazz group playing with a good vocalist who also tap danced, and a good alto player. We got some small hot plates, jumbalaya, and drinks which all hit the spot perfectly.went to 30/90 for their regular funk jam. The drummer who regularly leads the group was out traveling so the two charismatic vocalists were running the show. They were really funny and entertaining and great singers. The house band played a set then they started a jam session with a sign-up sheet. Luke and I signed up and got to jam on a couple of tunes which was pretty fun (within the concept of a jam session which normally I abhor). One amazing pro tip I picked up from the house band trumpet player: he had 2 cups on stage: one full of gummy bears and another full of gummy worms!

Christella headed home Tuesday and I finished out the week working from coworking spaces since the airbnb wifi was flakey and frustrating. There were 2 decent coworking space options though so that was really nice.

On Friday I had a very chance connection with some product managers from GitHub. I had seen a tweet with a photo of the Hi-Fi, a dive bar venue I had just been to, so I asked if he was in New Orleans and it turned out GitHub was having an off-site there. So I met with a group of 4 different product managers over coffee and talked about GitHub Actions, some general product feedback griping, etc. It was very nice.