Peter Lyons

TEDx and Turtle Dove

September 26, 2011

Yesterday was a pretty epic (also sick, also chill if you're Mark Pizzi) Saturday. I had to get up early despite needing to pay down some sleep debt accumulated during the week. I went to my local Chase branch to set up a business account for my LLC, which will actually have some income in 2011 (yay!). It took about an hour and then I quickly tidied up the house a bit after a pretty jam-packed week which left a lot of dishes and clutter strewn about. Then The Schmiggler came over and we went into town to eat brunch and catch up. It's been a few months maybe since I've seen her.

Then we went for a nice mountain bike ride. We rode Dowdy Draw up over to Flatirons Vista. Michale did great getting up the steep hill to get onto the vista, but it was tough sledding. We came home for a brief 45 minute nap (Michale commented that she prefers 2-hour naps) and then on to Boulder for TEDx Boulder. We stopped along the way to pick up Michale's friend Jen and then parked on the hill and walked to Mackey. The crowd was 1800 or so and I'd have to say that TEDx Boulder is probably the Boulderest thing I've seen so far. It's jam packed with tech and science geeks. There's an assortment of crunchy food vendors touting their green & clean goods. The "we're Boulder and we're great" vibe was thick in the air. The themes were food, education, and science. I'm a big TED/TEDx fanboy and have had TED parties at my house, but for whatever reason last night didn't click with me. I liked a talk about avoiding extinction via meteor but most of the others were pretty blah. I did enjoy Kimya Dawson's performance, though, and of course Schmiggler loves her. I guess I might have crossed the line into Boulder overload perhaps.

TEDx was a good 4 hours long and then I high-tailed it down to Arvada for a gig with Turtle Dove Quartet. We played the 12-Volt Tavern in old town Arvada. I arrived while the first band had only about 2 more songs to play, and we hit around 11pm. I wasn't sure how things would go, but it turned out very well. We've been rehearsing pretty consistently and making lots of tiny improvements to each song, and I think it came through in the performance. We played an hour long set of 7 original tunes and 7 covers. I think it was pretty well received, especially given the fact that the 12-Volt is a dive bar and not necessarily packed with music enthusiasts.

I think I got home around 1am starving for some triscuits and swiss. I snacked and watched some Treme before finally giving up the ghost after a very long 18-hour day.

Today is some recovery, some settling in to my new job lifestyle, shopping, cooking, and hopefully practicing some classical sax.