Pizzi invasion
Lots of good stuff happened in March. For the middle two weeks it was full steam ahead at work and the gym. I did the Group Fitness Level 2 "Cry in the Dojo" classes with Chris Wall at BRC every Tuesday this month. They are intense! There are 12 participants and 12 mats with a different exercise at each mat. Everyone wears a heart rate monitor that is hooked up to a projector with a grid of color coded rectangles, one per person. You can see everyone's heart rate, the goal being to exceed 91% of your maximum heart rate and get your rectangle to turn red. It's high intensity and timed. You do each exercise for 20 seconds then you have 10 seconds to move to the next station and start the next one. So far I don't think I've gotten higher than 87% of my 208 max heart rate. It's not as traumatic anymore but in the beginning when class was over I didn't want to interact with anyone for a solid 40 minutes or so.
Last week after the big snowstorm (hopefully the last one this season - we've had snowstorms for 6 months now), my cousins Ed and Mike arrived for a long weekend visit. We did a bunch of fun things including skiing Copper on Friday, rock climbing, watching Elise play soccer, tennis, two big yummy dinners at Bill's, two big yummy breakfasts at my place (pancakes then crepes), and watching Point Break. We took over the rock climbing gym with six climbers and three spectators in our group. It was a really fun visit.
Pizzi visitphotos are here .